Channel: Ebadu Rahman Tech
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: man sands wash plantmsandlargest manufacturing plan in indiamsand plantman sandssand manufacturingmanufacturing sand in indiamanufactured sands wash plantmsand vs river sandmachinery for msand productionmsand productionhow to choose msandmanufacturing sandm sands wash plantmanufactured sand washing plantmanufactured sand plantmanufacturingmanufactured sandmanufacturing sand processmsand concrete test
Description: In this video, shot at Lanka Sands, we are showing the process of M Sand production. What determines the quality of M Sand, methods to test the Quality of M Sand are discussed in the video. Contact details Vishnu 9142020408 00:25 Introduction 01:50 M Sand or River Sand which is better? 04:02 How metal is produced? 04:54 VSI machine 05:42 Washing Sand in bucket classifier 06:34 How people cheated while purchasing M Sand 07:35 How to test the Quality of M Sand 08:50 Percentage of fine dust permissible in M Sand as per IS 09:52 Sieve analysis test 10:58 Competitive pricing 14:26 Conclusion